Supporting a School-Wide System of Positive Behavioral Supports
August 31, 2015
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How does the principal establish an effective school-wide positive behavioral support system?
An effective school-wide positive behavioral support system consists of three parts:
- Shifting from a reactive stance to a responsive stance;
- Emphasizing proactive strategies, such as defining, teaching and supporting appropriate behaviors
- Establishing a continuum of positive behavior support for all students provided by all in the school and throughout all areas of the school
Evaluate your support of a school-wide system of positive behavioral supports using the Checklist for Administrators.
- A school-wide leadership or behavior support team has been established to guide and direct the school-wide system.
- The school-wide team consists of an administrator, grade-level representatives, support staff, and parents.
- School administration actively supports and participates in the school-wide system.
- The leadership team has a commitment and agreement from a minimum of 80% of the school staff for active support and participation.
- A “self-assessment” of the current schoolwide discipline system has occurred.
- Data is used to drive and make decisions.
- Baseline estimates of the behaviors of concern are established and reflect objective measures (e.g., frequency, duration, intensity).
- An implementation action plan, based on data driven decisions, has been developed.
- A process to collect office referrals and other data on a regular basis has been established.
- Data is evaluated at regular intervals to determine the effectiveness of school-wide PBS efforts.
Posted in Leadership for Inclusive Schools, School Climate