About Us
The Inclusive Schools Network (ISN) is a web-based educational resource and network of educators, families, schools, organizations, and communities focused on inclusive education.
At the heart of ISN is the mission to encourage, embolden and empower people to design and implement effective inclusive schools by sharing insights about best practices and providing opportunities for connection. The cornerstone event of ISN is Inclusive Schools Week™ (ISW), inaugurated in 2001 by Education Development Center, Inc.
Since the beginning, ISN and ISW have received widespread support and recognition. From official state and local government proclamations recognizing ISW to the gracious support of many professional, educational, parental, and community groups, the Inclusive Schools Network continues to grow each year in terms of the breadth and depth of its outreach efforts, content coverage, and collaborative support for effective inclusive education worldwide.
Inclusive Schools Week
What is Inclusive Schools Week?
ISW is an internationally recognized event celebrated annually during the first week of December. ISW marks the progress schools have made throughout the year to provide a quality education to an increasingly diverse student population.
ISW offers another opportunity to connect with others to promote effective inclusive practices in schools.
Inclusive Schools Week Impact
From the outset, ISW and the Inclusive Schools Network struck a chord with educators and families worldwide. Countless educators, families, students, and community groups have utilized the resources, tools, and publications provided by ISN to improve the education of students and to contribute to a more inclusive society.
ISN has visitors from more than 50 countries, and ISW has evolved into an international event celebrated in countries around the world, including Canada, the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Pakistan, Turkey, and Afghanistan.
Inclusive Schools Network
Our Guiding Principles
The Inclusive Schools Network offers a forum for educators, students, family, and community members to share experiences and ideas with each other.
ISN Partners
Our Partners play a critical role in the success of Inclusive Schools Week. As a Celebration Partner, your organization will have the unique opportunity to help spread the word about the Week to your membership.
Sponsorship and Support
The Inclusive Schools Network and Inclusive Schools Week are sponsored by Stetson & Associates, Inc., a leading educational organization committed to supporting the efforts of the education community to ensure excellence and equity for all students.
About Stetson & Associates
When Stetson & Associates was founded in 1987, we embraced the belief that it is not possible for an educational institution to be deemed excellent, unless it is also equitable.