2019 Inclusive Schools Week: Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools

2019 ISW - Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools

About This Year's ISW Theme

It’s anchors aweigh and all hands on deck for the 2019 Inclusive Schools Week! Plan your destination and embark on an exciting journey to celebrate your inclusion crew. This year, our itinerary includes a trip around the globe as we spotlight schools and organizations that contribute to improved learning, relationships, and outcomes for students with disabilities.

“Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools” is our theme for Inclusive Schools Week 2019. Educators, students, parents, and community members will navigate through the waters around us to our destination of inclusive education. Working together, we can steer our schools and, ultimately, our society toward that place where all students belong and are successful.

Just as it was necessary to use charts to navigate a ship’s safe passage, there must be a plan to achieve the goal successfully, including all students. That plan begins with knowing our students. Inclusion requires that decisions are made on the basis of student needs, special characteristics, and learning styles rather than labels, places, or adult issues. A variety of approaches must guide classroom practices so each individual learner receives the support necessary to access the curriculum and ultimately achieve success and greater independence in a post-school world.

As we map out the direction to our goal of successful inclusion, three guiding principles direct our way—relationships, resources, and research. These beacons are also the guiding principles of the Inclusive Schools Network (ISN), a global network focusing on inclusive education around the world.

Join us as we chart the course for successful inclusion for all. We thank all the hands that have joined us on deck throughout our year. We look forward to hearing your celebration stories about your journey—the sights and insights you gain along the way. We all support the promise of a safe arrival for all students to the place where each one receives the support needed to be included as a full member of our worldwide community.

Bon Voyage!

“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.”

Anthony Robbins

Celebrate the Theme

ISN theme resources

Theme Resources

Click below to access this year’s theme Celebration Guide, Activities Booklet, Media Kits, Press Releases, and Letters to Principals and Directors.

2019 ISW - Charting the Course for Inclusive Schools

Theme Graphics

Download ISW theme digital badges, banners, and more in a variety of sizes to use on your website, in emails, on social media, and in printed materials.

ISN logo mark

ISN Logos

Use ISN and ISW logos to enhance your ISW messaging. Use these approved logos for announcements about planned activities and ISW participation.

Inclusive Schools Week Activities

Explore theme-specific and general ISW activities to keep your students engaged throughout the week. Whether students in your school and community already share a common learning environment or you are just beginning to create an atmosphere of accessibility and acceptance for all, these activities will encourage and inspire movement toward a more inclusive community.