2015 Inclusive Schools Week: Share the Gifts of Inclusion
About This Year's ISW Theme
When we open a present – regardless of the occasion – we experience a sense of excitement, pleasure, and expectation! When we open our schools and classrooms to inclusion, we look forward to new friendships, the added spark of diversity, and to a changed learning landscape. As we considered the selection of the 2015 theme for National Inclusive Schools Week, we wanted to stimulate conversation about the many gifts we receive from being inclusive and the many gifts we each have to offer to the process.
Children and Youth with Disabilities
- Engagement
- Participation
- Membership
- Caring hearts
- Acceptance
- Joy
- High Expectations
- Active Involvement
- Understanding
- Access to the Curriculum
- Collaboration with Colleagues
- Authentic Partnerships with Parents
Typical Peers
- Equality as a Peer
- Authentic Friendship
- Inclusion in All Aspects of School Life
- Parties, Celebrations,
- and Leadership Opportunities
- Courage
- Encouragement
- Support
- High Expectations
- Active Engagement in the School
- A Safe and Loving Home
What gifts do you receive from an inclusive education experience, and what gifts do you share with others to make inclusion more successful?
Begin planning your celebration now!
Celebrate the Theme
Theme Resources
Click below to access this year’s theme Celebration Guide, Activities Booklet, Media Kits, Press Releases, and Letters to Principals and Directors.
Theme Graphics
Download ISW theme digital badges, banners, and more in a variety of sizes to use on your website, in emails, on social media, and in printed materials.
ISN Logos
Use ISN and ISW logos to enhance your ISW messaging. Use these approved logos for announcements about planned activities and ISW participation.
Inclusive Schools Week Activities
Explore theme-specific and general ISW activities to keep your students engaged throughout the week. Whether students in your school and community already share a common learning environment or you are just beginning to create an atmosphere of accessibility and acceptance for all, these activities will encourage and inspire movement toward a more inclusive community.