SFUSD’S 2014 ISW Celebration
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San Francisco Unified Schools held an impressive celebration for 2014 Inclusive Schools Week. Here are a few highlights below!
Superintendent Richard Carranza speaks about inclusion from the podium.
L to R: Deborah Peralta, CAC member and parent at Sunset Elementary, Dr. Elizabeth Blanco, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education Services, and stand in front of the Sunset Elementary Autism Inclusion Tree in the hall of the school. Deborah Peralta holds the Inclusion painting that Sunset students presented her as a thank you for her hard work as ‘Inclusion Mom’.
Deborah Peralta and San Francisco Mayor, Edwin Lee, stand in front of the Inclusion Tree at Sunset Elementary.
Inclusion quilt (hand prints by Sunset students).
Student artwork from Grattan Elementary
‘What Inclusion means to us!” Sunset Elementary
student artwork
L to R: SFUSD BOE Commissioner Rachel Norton, BOE President Sandra Fewer, Mayor Edwin Lee, Deputy Superintendent Guadalupe Guerrero, Asst. to Dep. Guerrero conducting an AT lesson with SFUSD special education students.
Grattan students in Inclusion Circle activity
Sunset student artwork with use of PECS
Student artwork
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