Building Authentic Relationships with Students and Families

Mother and young daughter smiling

In this post, we are sharing the “Building Authentic Relationships with Students and Families” checklist to help you determine your strengths in building authentic relationships with your students and their families. Read each statement and determine whether the practice is in place or needs improvement.

If you have multiple “Improvement Needed” categories checked on your completed assessment, you should consider developing a personal action plan with a timetable to implement strategies and activities that will increase your effectiveness in reaching and teaching all students. Your personal action plan should focus on steps you will take in the appropriate categories. You might also consider additional learning for yourself or your staff in these areas.

Building Authentic Relationships with Students

How do you rate yourself on the following strategies?

  • Projecting an image that tells students you are here to build rather than destroy them as people?
  • Letting students know that you are aware of and interested in them as individuals?
  • Conveying your experiences and confidence that each student can meet well-defined standards of values and demands for competence and can follow guidance toward solutions or problems?
  • Enhancing the academic expectations and evaluations that parents or guardians hold for their children’s ability?
  • Serving as a model of sensitivity and high ideals for each student?
  • Taking every opportunity to establish effective private or semi-private communications with students?
  • Encouraging students to express their opinions and ideas?
  • Conveying to students a concern and interest in their needs?
  • Making certain the classroom climate is inviting physically and emotionally?
  • Exhibiting enthusiasm for learning tasks and for the students?
  • Interjecting humor into the school?
  • Making a concerted effort to interact with each student?
  • Encouraging students to praise their peers?
  • Setting realistic but challenging expectations for students?
  • Showing a desire to learn more about the various cultures represented in your school?
  • Providing opportunities for all students to shine?
  • Working with each student to establish goals, develop strengths, and overcome weaknesses?

Building Authentic Relationships with Families

How do you rate yourself on the following strategies?

  • Understanding that parental involvement should encompass more than at-home responsibilities?
  • Relating to parents with an attitude that conveys respect?
  • Making positive telephone calls with good news on student behavior?
  • Helping parents to understand that your role is to help the child grow in many ways?
  • Educating more parents about the school’s expectations of them?
  • Sharing information with parents that will build understanding, knowledge, and trust?
  • Encouraging parents to become a part of established parent organizations?
  • Pushing for annual “Family Nights” in your school?
  • Finding and using other resources in the community?
  • Making use of community role models and mentors?
  • Creating partnerships with community businesses and other youth-serving organizations, agencies, or institutions?

Download the “Building Authentic Relationships with Students and Families” checklist here

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