Building a World for Inclusion

Man climbing stairs

Click here to view the video: A World for Inclusion

A film about the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, in particular article 24 on education.

“We must work together to build a world for inclusion.”

-Excerpt from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO) 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

What Does the International Community Say About Inclusive Education?

“Inclusive education is a process that involves the transformation of schools and other centers of learning to cater for all children – including boys and girls, students from ethnic and linguistic minorities, rural populations, those affected by

HIV and AIDS, and those with disabilities and difficulties in learning and to provide learning opportunities for all youth and adults as well.   Its aim is to eliminate exclusion that is a consequence of negative attitudes and a lack of response to diversity in race, economic status, social class, ethnicity, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation and ability.

Education takes place in many contexts, both formal and non-formal, and within families and the wider community.  Consequently, inclusive education is not a marginal issue but is central to the achievement of high quality education for all learners and the development of more inclusive societies.”

Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

What Does it Mean to Parents?

Parents have been in the forefront in promoting community acceptance of diversity and disability for years.

We Must Continue to Work Together to:

  • Take an active role in education and promote inclusive education practice.
  • Collaborate with educators, policy-makers, and the local community including the media to build consensus and trust around the concept of effective inclusion.
  • Develop ways to measure the success and impact of inclusive education.
  • Stay informed about inclusive education initiatives.  Check out the International Resources Section on our website.
  • Promote awareness programs that encourage inclusive societies—societies where all kids belong.

Seeing Through the Lens of Inclusion

I remember the first time I put on my new pair of eyeglasses.  It was amazing how sharp and vibrant familiar objects suddenly appeared—the leaves on trees were distinct and even more brilliant, street signs were crisp and easy to read, everything was so much clearer.

Looking through the lens of inclusion, we no longer see the child or the disability as the problem.  Indeed, we are able to focus on the obstacles to success that have been right in front of us—those adult issues caused by lack of training, misconceptions, negative attitudes or ways of thinking about inclusion.   Whether children are separated based on ability, race, or any other characteristic, separate is not equal, and segregation does not work.  All children have the right to be with other children their own age.

Seeing through the lens of inclusion, we clearly see inclusive education is about ALL students, and decisions are made on the basis of student needs and not on the basis of labels, places, or adult issues.

Inclusion is an important factor in the economic and social development of countries around the world.

Inclusive Education is a Process

  • Inclusive education is an on-going process of finding and sharing better ways to respond to the needs of all children.
  • It is a process of discarding the deficit model and accepting differences and diversity.
  • It is a process of identifying the adaptive challenges that foster misconceptions about inclusion and impact successful implementation.
  • It is a process of ongoing advocacy, planning, support and commitment.
  • It is a process of careful monitoring and evaluating what works and removing barriers.
  • It is a process of not only living with diversity but also learning from our differences.
  • Inclusion is a never-ending journey to make our part of the world—our school, our neighborhood, our community a better place for all of us.

We Want to Hear From You!

Share your success stories.  We at the Inclusive Schools Network invite you to contact us to provide insight regarding the progress your child’s school has made in implementing successful inclusive practice.

We must work together and support each other as we build a world for inclusion.

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